Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown says Claude Bernard. Every young Toddler usually on enrolment into the school comes in so innocent with minds as clean as a slate. With minds like a sponge, they are ready to absorb knowledge which is usually gained consciously and most times unconsciously. They just keep learning from what they see, to what they smell, touch, and hear!

Most youngsters usually do not understand what school is all about nor do they know the importance of Education early enough.  As a young child, I loved the play time (recess time) more than study time until one fateful day!  Back then, when I was in Primary school, we were usually asked to read Comprehension passages during every English class. I was still struggling with reading and I was never bold enough to read out loud in my classroom! On this fateful day, I saw my classmate, reading out loud the comprehension passage to be read the next day in class. I walked up to her with my own textbook and said to her, “Can you read and allow me read after you, please!?” That day, I learnt every word out of that passage with the whole of my heart, because I just wanted to read as perfect as she was reading too. The next day, during English class, the teacher asked the class her usual question again! “Who will read today’s Comprehension Passage for us!”, And for the very first time, in Primary school, I raised up my hands and said: “Aunty’ I!” I will never forget the look of shock and excitement in the eyes of my teacher when she saw my hands up and of course! she called my name immediately. With hands shaking, and voice unstable, I read out loud and clear what I had memorized the previous day.

The sound of applause from my class mates and the broad smile of satisfaction on my teacher’s face was all I needed! My joy knew no bounds.  I felt like a champion! A winner. After that experience, I concluded within me that knowledge is powerful. There was no stopping me after that. The quest for more knowledge was born on my inside that day. The seed on my inside which has been hidden received fresh water and it began to sprout.  By JSS 2, my mind was fully opened to assimilate. I became very keen to grasp knowledge. The more I learnt, the more I understood, the more I understood, the more passionate I became. The quest to teach others too that was finding it difficult to understand what I have learnt started burning on my inside. At that tender age, I already discovered my passion and out of my passion came my profession. I WANTED TO BE A TEACHER!  This drive pushed me through Secondary School to the University, where I studied English and Literary Studies, then I did my Postgraduate course in Education and Masters in Educational Administration and Planning.

Children are like beautiful roses. From the seed stage they begin to sprout, then they bud and their beauty begins to shine forth as flowers and they blossom! There is NO child that is dull or unintelligent! Every single child under the surface of this earth has the seed of greatness in them.

After teaching for 8 years first as a subject teacher, a class teacher then a Montessori Nursery instructor; I got the leading to start a school, I obeyed that call and here we are today! We have been touching lives since 2013 as a school. God has been using us to bring out the champion in every child!

At Maranatha Model Academy, we are here with the sole aim of finding that seed of greatness within every individual; then we help to nurture that seed, until it buds and blossoms as God has destined!

You are welcome to Maranatha Model Academy. A school that believes every child is a shining light!

Together we will bring out our lights and illuminate our World!

Pastor Omolewa Onatunde (Proprietress)

Maranatha Model Academy.

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