Before I relocated to this area, the problem I and my wife had was in getting a good school that would if not surpass but at least match the previous school our son was attending.

This thought of not getting a good school actually delayed our moving but we just had to move anyway.

When we got here, we decided we were not going to be in a hurry to enroll our son to just any school without doing due diligence.

I remember I will wake up in the morning, start my car and just be moving from one school to another trying to see which of this schools will be best suited for our son.

On a particular occasion, I went to this particular school, I won’t like to mention their name and insisted I wanted to have a word with the principal.

To my chagrin and surprise the so-called principal could not express himself in good English and then I began to wonder if this is the kind of person I would like to entrust the future of my child to, so I left.

On this faithful day I and my wife set out again looking for a school for our son and somehow, I saw this school, MARANATHA MODEL ACADEMY, there was really nothing that was so special or flamboyant about the school from the outside but my spirit just led me and my wife to enter and at least make enquires.

When we entered, I requested I would like to speak with the proprietor or whoever is in charge, I was surprised when I was led to a simple looking but firm lady whom I really engaged with, asking her so many questions, trying to evaluate the mindset of the teachers and the school in general.

When she told me that all her teachers were graduates, It didn’t take me 30 minutes to know that I need not search any further.

There and then I enrolled my son and since then I have never for one day regretted taking the action I took.

My son did his common entrance in the school and by the ending of this year he would be in SS 2 and I can assure you that my son is better off than he was before we moved into this area.

So I want to seize this opportunity to thank the school management for the high level and qualitative education they are bequeathing to our children and my prayer is that God will continue to be with the MARANATHA MODEL ACADEMY


A Proud parent of a Maranatha student